The Ropes
SS Marine ropes are manufactured in the UK by 'English Braids'

All rope is supplied pre-cut to size, ready to use.
Dart 18 Bungee shock Cord for the trapeze and chicken retainer line
Dart 18 Forestay dyneema Strop
Dart 18 Jib Halyard
Dart 18 Jib strop with key shackle (Dyneema)
Dart 18 Jib strop with stopper (5mm Dyneema)
Dart 18 Main Halyard
Dart 18 Main Sheet
Dart 18 Toe Strap Lashings
Dart 18 Trampoline Cord 5mm Sprintline
Dart 18 Traveller Sheet 8mm
Dart trapeze adjuster rope x 2
Full Dart 18 rope pack